Music by Nigel Cameron

 & Julie Cameron-Hall :

N e w   A l b u m :

N e w   Single :

M o r e   C e l t i s h   A l b u m s  :

C L I C K   T O   F I N D   O U T   M O R E  :

T o u r   D a t e s :





C e l t i s h   O n

' B B C   S O N G S   O F   P R A I S E ' 

SUN 6th OCTOBER 2024 

 Last year's performance is still available to watch here :

Broadcast on BBC1 Sun 30th July 2023

B a n d :


Our Story

As individual artists (Nigel in Northern Ireland and Julie in England), we have both had long established experience recording and performing Celtic-influenced music at home and abroad. Working together as a married couple since 2014, we have now recorded a total of six 'Celtish' albums (so far) and have traveled extensively, sometimes with other musicians, using 'Celtish' as our band name.


Our Concerts

Our 'Celtish' performances usually take the form of a concert in two halves, with an interval in-between, usually for refreshments.  We include a range of upbeat and reflective music, instrumentals, original songs and familiar lyrics set to timeless melodies.  As well as introducing songs with personal testimonies we often share stories about the Celtic Saints and songs based on what we have recently learned about them - Christian pioneers like Patrick, Brendan, Columba, Brigid, Kevin, Aidan & Hilda all have amazing stories to tell about the spread of Christianity throughout these islands. We think these should be more widely known. 


Our Mission

We hope that hosting a 'Celtish' concert in your venue can help build bridges between Church & community. The popularly of Celtic music and the uniqueness of our sound, strongly featuring fiddle and whistles, seems to give our concerts a wide appeal to audiences. We believe the music has power to bring healing and hope and there are usually one or two extravagant 'joy-bursts' in the programme. We also hope to dispel some myths about the ancient Celtic Saints 


Booking Celtish

If you would like to host a 'Celtish' concert, do get in touch (via our contact page). To make it as affordable as possible we do not have a fixed fee. All we ask is that our travelling expenses are covered in full.  A donation to our ministry over and above that (in lieu of a concert fee) is very much appreciated, as this is our full-time ministry,  but it is not a condition of us coming.

O n l i n e  C o n c e r t

L a t e s t   V i d e o s

' C h r i s t   B e   W i t h   M e '

As featured on BBC Songs of Praise

' T h r e e   i n   O n e '

(from 'Celtish Devotion' Album)

L a t e s t   S i n g l e s

'Lament for Afghanistan '

(featuring Dave Bainbridge)

'The Great Reunion'

(featuring Phil Hart)

L a t e s t   A l b u m s

R E L E A S E D   N O V   2 0 2 3 



P r e v i o u s   A l b u m s


